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Edad: 32
Experiencia : 13 Años
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Clase de prueba gratuita
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ESOL, FCE, Lectura, Inglés americano, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL
Educación primaria, Educación secundaria, Bachillerato, Aprendiz, Educación superior, Adultos/as
Idioma de enseñanza: English, Filipino

Mis cualificaciones

I am a licensed professional English teacher and TESOL certified. I have a master's degree in English Language Teaching and a master's in International Education. I am a conversation teacher in Spain and I have been preparing my students for their official Cambridge tests. I also have trained professional nurses for their IELTS test. Morevover, I have taught English grammar and literature in the university. I have been a coach and a trainer for journalistic writing. I have published one research and will be publishing more in the future.

Sobre mí

I have 11 years teaching English to students in different levels. I have taught English reading, grammar, Linguistics, literature, and journalism. I have coached and trained students, teachers, and nurses to pass their licensure exams and official English tests such as IELTS, Flyers, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, and IB English, TOEFL, and TOEIC. My teaching statregy is usually pragmatic. Before I start, I really want to know my students so I have an idea where to start. Then, I talk to my students on what they really need and put together everything so as to have a balance of eveything. My classes are mostly developing your speaking and thinking skills. There will be games and application to what we are learning. More so, my classes could be online or face-to-face, but this is subject to students' availability and preference.


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