Tutores Cerca de Ti


Edad: 26
Experiencia : 7 Años
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Clase de prueba gratuita
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Educación secundaria, Bachillerato, Aprendiz, Educación superior, Adultos/as
Idioma de enseñanza: English, Spanish

Mis cualificaciones

Translation and Interpreting Degree (EN>ES and EN>GL as my working languages)

Masters in Translation for International Communication

Masters in Video games Translation

Sobre mí

First and foremost, teaching Spanish allows me to share my passion for the language and its rich culture with others. As a native speaker, I have always found it rewarding to introduce students to the nuances of the language and watch as they become more confident in their abilities to speak, read and write it. Moreover, teaching Spanish provides me with the opportunity to help others achieve their language learning goals. Whether it's preparing students for travel abroad, helping them communicate with family members or colleagues, or simply expanding their cultural horizons, I feel a sense of fulfillment in knowing that I am making a positive impact on their lives.

In addition to the personal satisfaction of teaching Spanish, it is also a highly practical language to learn. Spanish is spoken by over 500 million people worldwide, making it the second most spoken language in the world after Mandarin. In the United States, Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language and is becoming increasingly important in both the business and academic worlds.

Overall, teaching Spanish is an incredibly rewarding experience for me. It allows me to share my passion for the language and culture, help others achieve their language learning goals, and contribute to the growing importance of Spanish in our interconnected world. Thank you for listening.


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