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Edad: 46
Experiencia : 14 Años
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Clase de prueba gratuita
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ESOL, FCE, EAP (Inglés para fines académicos), Redacción de CV, Inglés para empresa, Inglés británico, CAE, CPE, IELTS, TOEFL
Educación infantil, Educación primaria, Educación secundaria, Bachillerato, Aprendiz, Educación superior, Adultos/as
Idioma de enseñanza: English, Spanish

Mis cualificaciones

Core translation and interpretation subjects

University of Granada, Faculty of Translation and Interpretation: 2008-2010


  • Spanish Language 1 and 2 (equivalent of DELE)
  • Chinese A1 y A2,
  • English Language IT applied to the management of information
  • IT applied to translation
  • Spanish culture and civilization
  • English culture and civilization C
  • hinese culture and civilization

Diplomas en TEFL/TESL London Teacher Training College Teaching English as a Foreign Language London Teacher Training College: 2007-2008 World English 120 hour TEFL course TESOL/TEFL course 2022 Courses Methodolgy of Montessori 2017 Montessori materials and their use in the classroom 2017 Montessori introduction 2017 Positive discipline in the classroom 2017 Cambly Inc. Online teaching materials and courses for IELTS, Business English and conversation materials

Sobre mí

My name is Gethyn Rhys Williams and I am a native of Wales in the United Kingdom. I have currently been teaching English for 12 years and have vast experience as can be seen on my CV. Firstly, I pride myself on my results and ability to respond to any question asked about the English language, I dedicate a lot of time searching for information and exercises online on a weekly basis. I also create my own materials, of which I am happy to share a sample of, I have created courses for mother and baby, toddlers, teens, young adults, adults and old age pensioners. I offer dynamic classes which are both fun and informative and as I have mentioned before have great results. I am a fluent Spanish speaker and understand the difficulties of learning a language and so teach with patience and can explain the ins and outs of the English Language in a precise and painless manner. I am currently working online and have been doing so for approximately 3 years, starting with online classes and moving onto working for the companies Cambly and Go Student, respectively.


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