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Edad: 34
Experiencia : 11 Años
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Clase de prueba gratuita
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Redacción de ensayos, Lectura, Inglés americano
Educación infantil, Educación primaria, Educación secundaria
Idioma de enseñanza: English, Spanish

Mis cualificaciones

Bachelor degree in modern languages at the University Arturo Michelena in Venezuela, international teaching experience in different countries like Colombia, Rusia, Egypt and Turkey.

Sobre mí

Hello! I'm a language teacher who loves to travel and learn about different cultures. I am graduated from the Arturo Michelena University in Venezuela. I studied modern languages and after I finished my studies I traveled to different countries as an English and Spanish teacher. I love dance disciplines and I love nature. In my lessons I like to talk about different topics and teach in a fun and active way. I love games and different kind of activities to enjoy every lesson.


She taught me Spanish very well, I didn't know anything and I understood everything with her. Muchas gracias profesora
30 mayo’ 23
I enjoyed the lesson very much! Thank you
29 mayo’ 23
She is an awesome tutor! I have learned so much from her. Keep being awesome 🙏
29 mayo’ 23
She helped me a lot with my English. Currently I’m a fluent speakers. No possible without your mi profesora favorita
24 mayo’ 23
She is a very caring, fun and professional tutor. Thanks to her good energy, our English lessons became a fun acyivity.
24 mayo’ 23

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